
We are cranking on new features that will grow traffic, capture emails, and make you more money.


$0 per month

Up to 25K Followers

Unlimited posts

Unlimited DMs

1 Keyword

3 Comment Replies


$30 per month

Everything in Free, plus:

Up to 500K Followers

Unlimited Keywords

Unlimited Comment Replies

Multi-button DMs

Story Replies

Post-specific Analytics

✉️ Save to email (email capture)

Many Chat Migration

Shop the Recipe


$100 per month

Everything in Plus, and:

Up to 2M Followers

Multi-button DMs

🛒 Earn “Shop the Recipe” revenue

Direct Response Brand Sponsor Checkouts

Viral comment protections

Google Analytics Integration

Attribution in Ad Platform


More than 2M Followers?

For creator accounts with more than 2M followers please book a time to connect with us for custom pricing that works best for your business.

Still have Questions? Book a call:


What is a keyword?

A keyword is what you ask your followers to comment on your post. When a follower comments the keyword, they receive the recipe link through a direct message. On the free plan the keyword is ‘SEND RECIPE’. On the paid plan you can customize as many keywords as you want like ‘TACO’ or ‘STEAMED SALMON’.

How does Shop the Recipe work?

When a follower receives your recipe link, we include an option for them to add the ingredients from that recipe, to their instacart or amazon fresh account. It’s really cool. They can be cooking that recipe the same day! On the paid plan, we let the creator input their own affiliate details for instacart and amazon fresh, and this becomes a new revenue stream for you as people place ingredient orders that you refer.

What’s the difference between global analytics, and per post analytics?

On the free plan you will see how many DMs were sent, how many opened the DM and how many clicked. This will be inclusive of all keyword comments across all your posts On the paid plan, we will show you those same metrics, DMs sent, opens and clicks, but for each individual instagram post that uses a keyword. This way you can compare recipe post engagement at a glance.

How does “email capture” work?

When a follower receives your recipe link, we include an option for them to save the recipe to their email. IF they click that, we help you capture the email inside the direct message, automatically, and send the recipe to your new subscriber.

Do I need to sign a long term contract?

No. Our default plans are monthly, you can cancel at anytime on your own. You can choose to pre-pay for a year in exchange for a discount, if you prefer. But that is your choice and not a requirement.

Still have Questions? Book a call: